Creating and Inserting Tables in Your Gmail Messages

inserting table in gmail

Creating and inserting tables in your Gmail messages can be a helpful way to organize data and present information in an eye-catching way. Tables are useful to refer to past conversations, recapping meetings, and sharing ideas. Tables also allow you to quickly convey data to recipients without requiring them to open an attachment. Being able to create and insert tables into your Gmail messages can make your communication more effective and easier to understand. This tutorial will explain how to create and insert tables into a Gmail message.

Identifying Where to Insert a Table in Your Message

Utilizing a table to effectively share information in your Gmail message can be incredibly beneficial. When planning where to place your table within the email, it is recommended to keep it centered in the body of the email. This will give viewers enough room to see the table without having to scroll. If the table size becomes too large, consider placing it at the end of the message or breaking it up into multiple tables in order to maintain an aesthetically pleasing balance with the other components of the email.

Creating a Table Using the Gmail Table Tool

The Gmail Table Tool is one of the most convenient and efficient methods of creating and styling a table within an email. To access the table creation tool, simply click the table icon at the bottom of the email body. Exploring the table formatting feature of your program gives you the power to manipulate the number of rows and columns, add and remove cells, as well as customize the width and alignment of your table. and specifying the color and borders of the table. Once all the desired options have been set, simply click the ‘create table’ button to insert the newly-created table into your email message.

inserting table in gmail

Understanding How to Add Rows to Your Table

Adding and deleting rows from a table can easily be done using the Gmail Table Tool. To add a row to the table, simply click the ‘add row’ icon which can be found to the right of the table. Additionally, users can also delete rows by clicking the ‘delete row’ icon. This feature can be extremely helpful when formatting the table and making it look more streamlined. 

This is easily done using the Gmail Text Editor, which can be accessed by clicking the ‘edit’ button on the top right of the table tool. Users can enter text into each cell, and can also adjust the font type and size, alignment, and text color. 

Using Color and Borders to Enhance Your Table

Adding a bit of color and border styling to your table can make it stand out from the rest of the email message and draw more attention to the information being relayed. The Gmail Table Tool provides various color and border options for each cell and can be accessed by clicking the ‘beautify’ button on the top right of the table tool. From here, users can adjust the background color, font color, and line styles of the cells.  

Special characters can be easily inserted into table cells using the text editor. Simply click the ‘special character’ icon which can be found on the top right of the editor and select the desired character to be inserted into the table. 

Customizing Your Table For a Professional Look

Making sure that your table looks professional is key to creating a successful email. Consider applying corporate colors to the table and header and using a consistent font throughout the table. Additionally, make sure to check the alignment of the cells and text, as this will help create a more organized and unified look. 

Creating Responsive Tables for Mobile Devices

For emails that are sent on mobile devices, it is important to consider how the table will look on smaller screens. To guarantee the table can be seen on mobile devices, making it responsive is the best option. This means that the table will automatically adjust to fit the different screen sizes and make sure it is always visible to readers on any device. 

One great way to make your table even more interesting and informative is to integrate external resources. This can include inserting images, videos, and links into the table cells. This can help to draw people into the table and make the information even more accessible. 

Merging Table Cells for a Streamlined Appearance

Merging table cells can be helpful when creating a more streamlined look for your table. This is done by selecting the cells that need to be merged and clicking the ‘merge’ button which can be found on the top right of the table tool. This will combine the cells into one larger cell, thus creating a more organized and neat look for your table. 


Creating and Inserting Tables in Your Gmail Messages is an easy and useful way to organize and present information in an easily digestible manner. Tables allow for faster understanding and can be customized to fit any email communication need. It is a simple process that can have a big impact on emails by providing structure and ensuring the information is conveyed in an organized fashion.

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